New France Genealogy

Montjoie Saint Denis!

Denoyon, Jacques[1]

Male 1668 - 1745  (~ 77 years)

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  • Name Denoyon, Jacques 
    Born Feb 1668  Trois-Rivières, Canada, New France Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Baptism 12 Feb 1668  Trois-Rivières, Canada, New France Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    _UID B92A50A38191FD4DB2A63CA20F3C65DDF5CE 
    Buried 12 May 1745  Boucherville, Canada, New France Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I6216  NewFranceGenealogy
    Last Modified 7 Jun 2009 

    Father De Noyon, Jean,   b. Aug 1635, St-Pierre-du-Chastel, Rouen, Normandie (Seine-Maritime), France Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Mar 1692, Boucherville, Montérigie, , Québec,Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 56 years) 
    Mother Chauvin, Marie,   b. Sep 1650, Trois-Rivieres, Canada, New France Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Mar 1723, Boucherville, Canada, New France Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 72 years) 
    Married 20 Jul 1665  Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F2172  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Y  [1
    Married 14 Feb 1704  Deerfield, Massachusett, New England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    _UID FA86E0B75DDC3A4F84919369BA97D40918D4 
    Last Modified 27 May 2017 
    Family ID F2223  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • sergent Cie de Tonty, explorateur, coureur des bois

      NOYON, JACQUES DE, voyageur, coureur de bois, sous-officier dans les troupes de la Marine, né le 12 février 1668 à Trois-Rivières, second fils de Jean de Noyon, maître fabricant d’outils tranchants, et de Marie Chauvin ; il épousa Abigail Stebbins à Deerfield, Massachusetts, en 1704 ; décédé à Boucherville (Québec) le 12 mai 1745. On mentionne pour la première fois le nom de Jacques de Noyon alors qu’il était âgé de 20 ans. En 1688 il mena une expédition de traite à partir du fort Nipigon, bâti quatre ans auparavant sur le lac du même nom par Daniel Greysolon* Dulhut, en amont de la rivière Kaministiquia et au-delà du lac du Chien (Dog Lake) vers le lac La Pluie (Rainy Lake) où il passa l’hiver parmi les Assiniboines. Il était le premier Français à s’aventurer aussi loin à l’ouest. Son voyage de retour en 1689 fut assombri par la noyade accidentelle d’un dénommé Lacroix et de deux autres hommes, dans le lac qui fut baptisé plus tard lac Sainte-Croix. En 1690, Noyon fut engagé par François Charon* de La Barre pour se rendre dans l’Ouest avec Gilles Papin, commis de Charon, pour y recouvrer une dette contractée par Nicolas Perrot* Noyon recevait 200ª par an pour la durée de cet engagement et il avait la permission de trafiquer pour son propre compte. En 1693, laissant derrière lui une facture impayée de 118ª à l’auberge de Louis Marchand à Québec, en plus d’un emprunt de quelque 200ª à Charles Macard*, il se mit en route pour la région de l’Outaouais (probablement la péninsule du Michigan) avec la troupe de voyageurs de Pierre-Charles Le Sueur*. Noyon repartit pour l’Ouest deux ans plus tard, cette fois grâce à un prêt de 150ª de Charles Aubert* de La Chesnaye. À Boucherville le 2 janvier 1698, alors qu’il était peut-être encore en pleine célébration du Nouvel An, Noyon, légèrement ivre, échangea des insultes avec Gilles Papin, devenu marchand. Dans la mêlée qui s’ensuivit, Papin brandit son épée. À la suite de la plainte que Noyon adressa au tribunal de Montréal le lendemain de cet incident, Charles de Couagne* retira de la maison de Papin certains effets appartenant à Noyon, probablement pour régler un compte que celui-ci devait depuis 1688. La plupart des trafiquants de l’Ouest fixaient un taux de crédit pour un marchand qu’ils accommodaient d’année en année, mais Noyon administra si mal ces prêts qu’il fut incapable d’emprunter deux fois du même marchand. En 1700, il était, semble-t-il, criblé de dettes. La même année, Noyon et Louis Gosselin offrirent leurs services au gouverneur de New York, lord Bellomont, lui promettant de ramener en moins d’un an à Albany 52 camarades, 10 ou 12 chefs outaouais, ainsi que des fourrures. Ils ne demandaient en retour que la permission de vivre et de trafiquer à Albany. Cependant, l’escapade de Noyon en Nouvelle-Angleterre ne fut pas de longue durée. En 1704, le révérend John Williams* le maria à Abigail Stebbins, à Deerfield, Massachusetts. Deux semaines plus tard, Williams ainsi que toute la famille Stebbins et le nouveau couple furent au nombre des prisonniers capturés par Jean-Baptiste Hertel* de Rouville, lors d’un raid contre Deerfield. Noyon se serait bien passé de cette lune de miel tous frais payés. Désormais responsable d’une épouse, il retourna au Canada où l’attendaient ses créanciers. Abigail, que les actes notariaux de Montréal appellent « Marguerite Stebens , avait cependant de plus grandes raisons encore d’être désenchantée ; non seulement se trouvait-elle dans un pays étranger contre lequel ses compatriotes étaient en guerre mais, de plus, elle découvrait que son mari, qui s’était vanté devant la famille Stebbins de posséder d’importantes propriétés et d’être un homme d’une richesse considérable, avait menti effrontément. C’est à l’époque de son retour au Canada que Noyon semble avoir rédig le récit de son voyage de 1688 dans l’Ouest, auquel plusieurs documents font allusion ; il avait en effet appris à écrire lors de son séjour en Nouvelle-Angleterre. À peine quelques mois après son retour dans la colonie, il emprunta plus de 100ª à un nouveau créancier, Jean-Baptiste Crevier Duvernay, et partit pour le fort Pontchartrain (Détroit) se joignant à 64 engagés. Noyon fit apparemment de sérieux efforts pour s’amender, puisqu’en 1708 il se trouva une situation plus stable, celle de sergent – le grade le plus élevé chez les sous-officiers – dans la compagnie d’Alphonse Tonty*, au salaire mensuel net de 15ª, 2s. et 5d. Ce revenu ne suffisait toutefois pas à apaiser ses créanciers et à faire vivre sa famille. En 1708, la valeur totale de ses biens mobiliers était inférieure à 400ª, et Marguerite devait compter en partie sur les aumônes pour élever ses enfants. Par conséquent, les Noyon furent déclarés en séparation de biens en juillet, et en août Marguerite acheta une modeste propriété à Boucherville. En 1719, elle put se rendre visiter sa parenté en Angleterre. Les Noyon eurent au moins 13 enfants entre 1704 et 1726. Les familles Danio, qui vivent actuellement dans le Massachusetts, peuvent remonter chez leurs ancêtres jusqu’à Jacques-René de Noyon (orthographié « Danio » dans l’acte de mariage de ses parents), fils aîné de Jacques et de Marguerite, qui fut envoyé chez ses grands-parents à Deerfield en 1714. Le 26 avril 1742, 17 mois après la mort de sa femme, Jacques de Noyon, ne pouvant plus travailler sur sa terre, légua ses quelques biens à ses enfants et emménagea chez sa fille, Marie, et son gendre, Louis Renaud, où il passa les trois dernières années de sa vie, soutenu par une subvention annuelle de 200ª de ses enfants. Les dettes de Noyon étaient-elles le lot de la plupart des voyageurs ? Les coureurs de bois qui allaient s’établir en Louisiane ou en Nouvelle-Angleterre étaient-ils de simples aventuriers, âpres au gain ou désespérément endettés ? Autant de questions qui, comme plusieurs autres soulevées par les expériences de Noyon, resteront peut-être sans réponse, faute d’une documentation suffisante.

      de Noyon, Jacques (1668 - 1745) - male
      b. 1667/1668 in Trois-Rivieres, CAN
      d. 1745 in Boucherville, Quebec, CAN
      Info from the Stebbins family website - 1688, at the age of twenty, he and three companions travelled to the Canadian West, crossing Lake Superior, reached Grand Portage, entered the Kaministikwia River near the present city of Fort Willimas, explored Dog Lake, Mille Lacs Lake, and by the Rainy River, discovered Lake of the Woods. He spent the winter of 1688-1689 on the Ouchichig River (Winnipeg) at its entrance to Lake of the Woods.At the end of October 1700, de Noyon was in New York where, with Louis Gosselin, he petitioned Governor Bellomont. Between then and 1704, it is thought that de Noyon and comrades were in New England despite the breaking out of Queen Anne's war (known in France as the War of the Spanish Succession) in 1702. The war lasted until the treaty of Utrecht in 1713. At the time of the attack on Deerfield in February, 1704, deNoyon and two other Frenchmen had been living in Deerfield, long enough for deNoyon to court and marry Abigail Stebbins, age 20 years, and the daughter of John Stebbins and Dorothy Alexander, pioneers of Deerfield. According to a later petition of Marguerite Stebbins, wife of Jacques de Noyon, dated July 9,1708, he claimed at the time to be well established and quite wealthy in Canada. Jacques de Noyon and Abigail Stebbins were married in Deerfield on February 3, 1703-4 by the local minister, Reverend John Williams. (For a very interesting account of the history, customs and life of Deerfield residents during the 17th and 18th centuries, you should read New England Outpost, by Richard I. Melvoin.)The French and Indian attack on Deerfield came before day break on February 29, 1703/4. De Noyon, his wife, her family and many others were taken as captives by the raiding party and taken toCanada where they arrived in Chambly by the end of March. TheStebbins remained in Chambly under the protection of the Hertels; de Noyon and his wife came to live with his widowed mother at Boucherville. It is in that village that they spent the rest of their lives (Jacques continued to travel) where their children were born (with one exception) and where they died and were buried.Their eldest son was born December 26, 1704, and baptized December 28,1704 at Boucherville, Quebec. His godparents were Jean and Marie Boucher, children of Pierre Boucher. Abigail (now Marie Gabrielle after she was baptized at Montreal on May 28, 1708) found Jacques de Noyon's promises not true. She was compelled to do manual labor and to accept charity. On July 9,1708, according to a petition she made to Pierre Raimbault, Esquire, the King's counselor and attorney in Canada, she prayed that the joint estate of herself and her husband be dissolved, and that she be authorized to buy in her own name a certain farm in Boucherville. She avers that her husband gives her no support whatsoever; that he is heavily in debt; that she has strong hopes to be able to support herself and her children from the produce of the farm, and to pay of the purchase price by her own efforts, by help she expects to receive from her parents after the war, and by the King's bounty. This petition was approved thesame day. Jacques de Noyon was at that time a sergeant in the marine-troops, in the company of Captain de Tonty. (Ibid, page 37). Abigail and Jacques de Noyon had 15 children. During Father Rasle's war (1722- 25) Jacques de Noyon was seen at Northfield, Province of Massachusetts Bay, in the fall of 1723. De Noyon was apparently well known in New England. Abigail Stebbins, after apparently learning of the death of her father on December 19, 1724, petitioned the Governor General of Canada on July 26, 1725 to travel to visit her kinfolk in Deerfield and to bring back her eldest son. She was granted permission by the Governor on July 6, 1725 to travel the two hundred miles to Deerfield by canoe with Nicolas Binet and Rene Lebeaux. She stayed in Deerfield for a time, giving birth to a daughter, Marie Anne, on February 27, 1726. Her daughter was baptized at Boucherville only on November 5, 1726, so Abigail and the child must have returned to Canada in the late summer or fall. Jacques Rene (Aaron) remained in Deerfield. Abigail was buried in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada on November 5, 1740. Jacques was buried at Boucherville on May 12, 1745.(A very interesting account of Jacques de Noyon is contained in the French Canadian and Arcadian Genealogical Review, VolumeIII, No. 1, Spring 1971.)
      Burial - [date: 12 MAY 1745]

      Baptism - [date: 12 Feb 1667/1668]

      spouse: Stebbins, Abigail (1684 - 1740)
      - m. 3 Feb 1703/1704 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., MA

      When the 200 Canadians with 140 Caughnawaga and Abenaki Indians commanded by Jean Baptiste Hertel de Rouville attacked Deerfield MA in late winter on 11 Mar 1703/4, Jacques deNoyon was living there with his new wife, Abigail STEBBINS. They had been married by the protestant minister, John Williams on 14 Feb 1704 in Deerfield. Although other families suffered severely from the Indian attack, the Stebbins family was not molested. The family of STEBBINS went to Canada with the French and Indian party, partly as captives, partly as relatives of Jacques deNoyon. In the attack 49 persons were killed and about 109 made prisoners. There were 133 survivors left in Deerfield, some wounded.

      The captors and captives camped the first night about ten miles from Deerfield, deep snow making an attack on them unrealistic without snowshoes. They traveled northward to Canada in deep snow by the Connecticut Valley, the White and Winooski Rivers to Lake Champlain and then the Richelieu River. Enroute two prisoners made their escape, but 20 were killed. Of the remaining 87, fifty were redeemed before 1731. Most of the prisoners went with the Mohawks to Sault Saint-Louis (Caughnawaga) or with the Abenakis to Saint-Francois-du-Lac. The Stebbins were allowed to go to Boucherville after a short period In Chambly likely under the charge of Hertel.

      The ancestry of the STEBBINS family probably goes back to John da STUBING of Essex, England who Is recorded on the chancery rolls in 1201, where there is a town or parish called Stebbing, or to Rlchard de STEBING, living at Great Dunmow, Essex Co. ENG in 1275. No direct connection between the earliest known STEBBINS and the STEBBINS in America or Canada has been established.


      Jacques DeNOYON, baptized on 12 Feb 1668 at Trois Rivieres: the son of Jean and Marie CHAUVIN was a coureur de bois and explorer. In 1688 and 1689 with two companions, he traveled Into the northwest from Lake Nipigon as far as Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake and the present Winnipeg River in Manitoba. All this was when La Vernderaye, the future explorer of the same region was only 2 to 3 years old. So to De Noyon and his companions belongs the honor of the discovery of these western lands. We was on voyageur trips for the fur trade in 1690, 1691,1692 and 1693. On 26 Nov 1700 he (as Jean DENOYON) with Louis GOSSELIN asked the governor of New York to trade and stay at Albany; he was apparently not happy in New France. Suspecting spying intentions, the governor of New York was not favorable. Later in Boucherville Jacques was a sergeant in the Company of Alphonse Tonty. Overwhelmed with debts DeNOYON went to New York first and later to Massachusetts. On the 3rd of February (OS) 1703/4 he was married as James DENYO at the age of 36 in Deerfield MA with 20 year old Abigail STEBBENS by the Protestant minister, Rev. John WILLIAMS. Within that month the French and Indians attacked Deerfield on 29 Feb 1704 (OS) or 11 March 1703/4 (NS), sparing him and his wife's family.

      Accompanying the retreating attackers and their captives, perhaps of necessity, he and his wife went to Boucherville PQ, but he left within a few months for Fort Pontchartrain at Detroit. Jacques & Abigail had ten children born in Boucherville from December 1704 to June 1724. An eleventh child was born in Montreal in 1711. Their twelfth child, Marie-Anne, was born at Deerfield MA the 17th of February 1726 where Abigail was visiting and was baptized at Boucherville the 5th of November of the same year shortly after their return to Canada.

      The oldest child. Rene DENOYON, having visited his grandparents in 1714 at the age of ten, decided to stay in Deerfield. He was known there as Aaron DENIO and he remained in Deerfield where his grandfather willed him some land. His mother, Abigail STEBBENS visited Deerfield after her father's death where her last child was born. Aaron inherited much of his grandfathers property. He was a shoemaker by trade, but also operated a tavern In Greenfield MA. He served In several military campaigns against the French.

      The children of Jean Denoyon and Abigail Stebbins have an interesting history from both sides of their parentage. Jacques DeNOYON was the grandson of Marin CHAUVIN and Gilette BONNE, on his maternal side. When his grandfather, Marin CHAUVIN died at a young age, only one child, Jacques mother, had been born to his grandmother. Gilette BONNE, the widow, at the age of about 17 years, married secondly Jacques BERTAULT.

      Gilette Bonne and Jacques Bertault had 6 children. One daughter, Elisabeth, was engaged by a marriage contract at the age of 10 years in 1669 to Charles Denart, a youth of 20 years. The contract was annulled the same year. At the age of 12 and a half Elizabeth Bertault wed Julien de La Touche, a 30 year old veteran of the Carignan Regiment. His farm apparently did not thrive, since Jacques Bertault often invited his daughter for meals and sent her food. La Touche drank heavily and did not get along with his wife. In frustration. Jacques Bertault and Gilette Bonne attempted to poison then killed La Touche. Their crime discovered, they were sentenced to be executed 9 June 1672. Their daughter Elisabeth was sentenced to observe the execution and to pay a fine. In 1673 she married Noel Laurence a 28 year veteran of the Carignan regiment, and later married a third time Jean Baptiste Pilon. The DeNoyon-Stebbens descendents have therefore an ancestry with an execution of a female ancestor, and also origin from an English lineage.

      Only after three of her children had been baptized In the Catholic church, was Abigail baptized by Father MERIEL as Marguerite STEBBENS, 24 yrs of age, from Deerfield New England, on 28 May 1708 at Notre Dame de Montreal. Her parents are given as Jean STEBBEN and Dorothee ALEXANDRE. The godparents for Marguerite were Philipe DeRIGAULT Sieur DeVAUDREUIL, Governor General of New France and Marguerite BOUAT.

      On 9 July 1708, Abigail petitioned the King's Council for a concession with separate property from her husband, he apparently not being a good provider, and was granted a farm of 75 arpents in Boucherville. The Denoyon family was living with Marie CHAUVIN, Jacques' widowed mother. Detailed information of the family is found in the article by MONTY. In a deed drawn 24 Aug 1708 by Notary Tailhandier, Abigail Stebbens received a farm of 3 arpents frontage by 25 arpents of depth with a house, shed and stable.

      Abigail Stebbins received permission along with Andre GRAIN (her brother-in-law), Nicolas PINET (her son-in-law) and Rene LEBEAUX (nephew of captive Christine Otis of Dover NH) to go to Deerfield to visit her relatives. Permission was granted for 3 months leave. Abigail's father had died a few years prior, but her mother was still living, and her oldest son. Jacques Rene / Aaron was in Deerfield. Permission was granted in August 1725 for the group to go by canoe, with a stop at Fort Chambly to report. They went to Albany first then by the Connecticut River southward. Abigail stayed in Deerfield for the birth of her daughter on 27 Feb 1726, then returned to Boucherville about October of that year. She had been gone for about 14 months.

      The children of Abigail STEBBENS and Jacques DeNOYON were:

      Jacques-Rene/Aaron, born 26 & bapt 28 Dec 1704 Ste Famille de Boucherville; went to live with his grandfather in Deerfield MA; as Aaron DENIO married 8 July 1730 Deerfield MA Anna COMBS, she died prob 5 Apr 1774; had 13 children; he died 29 April 1780 Greenfield MA.
      Marie Gabrielle, born 10 & bapt 12 Mar 1706 Boucherville; marr 5 Apr 1723 Boucherville Nicolas BINET; (at least 3 children)
      Jean-Baptiste, born 11 & bapt 12 Apr 1707 Boucherville; died & bur 11 Aug 1708 Boucherville.
      Jean-Baptiste, born 12 & bapt 13 Oct 1708 Ste Famille de Boucherville (godmother was Therese Stebben); marrr Ist 14 Apr 1731 Boucherville Louise BLAIN; marr 2nd 28 July 1760 Boucherville Genevieve DURET;
      Francols, bapt 7 July 1710 Boucherville; marr 17 Oct 1740 Boucherville Marie Joseph ROBERT;
      Dorothee, born 2 & bapt 3 Oct 1711 Montreal (godmother Esther Wheelwright ,captive from Wells ME);
      Marie, born 1712; marr 8 Jan 1731 Boucherville Charles BABIN
      Jacques Rene,
      Marie, marr 13 Jan 1737 Boucherville Louis RENAUD;
      Marle Josephe, born 4 Aug 1713 Boucherville; bur 10 Aug 1714 Boucherville.
      Marie Charlotte, barn 14 June 1716 Boucherville; marr 20 Nov 1736 Boucherville Jean Baptiste MAGSE;
      Marie Josephe, born & bapt 21 April 1718 Boucherville; marr 11 May 1739 Boucherville Pierre DAUNAY;
      Marie Madeleine, born & bapt 11 Sept 1720 Boucherville; marr 10 Aug 1750 Boucherville Pierre DAME;
      Joseph, born & bapt 21 June 1724 Boucherville; marr 1st 19 Nov 1753 Boucherville Maria Joseph HUET dit DULUDE; marr 2nd 4 Oct 1779 Boucherville Angelique BLAIN;
      Marie-Anne, born 27 Feb 1726 Deerfield MA; bapt 5 Nov 1726 Boucherville; marr lst on 27 Oct 1749 Trois Rivieres Jean CHRETlEN; marr on 2nd 7 May 1764 Boucherville Paul MENARD;

      After Abigail STEBBENS died in 1740, her 72 year old husband Jean DeNoyon, found himself unable to work as a farmer. He gave his land to his children, received an annual pension of 200 Livres from them and survived to 12 May 1745 dying at age 77.

      Notarial Records
      24 Aug 1708 Notary Marien Tailhandier. Purchase of farm & house by Abigail Stebbens.
      7 Sept 1708 New mortgage from parish priest of Boucherville.
      2 Oct 1715 Notary Marien Tailhandier. Final discharge of the mortgage. *******


      Thankful STEBBINS at age 13 was brought to Chambly after her capture, probably by one of the HERTEL brothers, and according to Coleman, Thankful lived at the Hertel manor at Chambly. Fournier says that shs was ransomed in 1706 by Hertel. Thankful was baptized 23 April 1707 at Chambly as Louise Therese STEBENE, the godparents were Zacharie-Francois HERTEL, Seigneur of Chambly and Madame de PERIGNY, wife of the commandant of Fort Chambly, Her baptismal record says erroneously that she was from "England". Thankful/Louise Therese was the godmother of Jean Baptiste DENOYON, son of her sister Abigail, In 1708 at Boucherville.

      Thankful STEBBENS and Adrien LEGRAIN had a contract of marriage drawn up on 1 Feb 1711 at Notary Tailhandier. Thankful/Theresa Louise STEBENS and Adrien Charles GRAIN dit LAVALLEE were married 4 Feb 1711 at Ste Famille de Boucherville. Jacques DeNOYON was present at the wedding and quite likely Abigail STEBBENS. From her marriage with Adrien LEGRAIN, Thankful/Therese Louise STEBBENS had 13 children. The family lived in the parish of St Joseph de Chambly. Her death on 11 July 1729 at Chambly followed the birth of the least child about one week.

      The children of Thankful/Therese Louise STEBBINS and Adrien/Charles LEGRAIN were:

      Francoise-Therese, born 2 & bapt 3 Mar 1713 Chambly;
      Guillaume, born 28 & bapt 30 Dec 1714 Chambly;
      Marie-Jeanne, bapt 30 Aug 1716 Chambly;
      Marie, bapt 5 Feb 1718 Chambly; marr 7 Jan 1738 St Joseph de Chambly Jean-Francols BESSETTE;
      Marguerite, marr 27 Nov 1738 St Joseph de Chambly Joseph PEPIN dit LAFORCE.; marr 2nd on 8 Oct 1742 St Joseph de Chambly Michel LAGEU dit SANSCARTIER;
      Charlotte, bapt 6 Jan 1720 Chambly: marr Mar 1742 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier BAPTISTE VIEN:
      Isabelle/ELISABETH, born 17 Dec 1721 Chambly (mother called Louise THESMEN): as Elisabeth she marr 22 June 1741 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier JEAN BERTRAND;
      Judith, bapt 3 Jan 1722 Chambly:
      Antoine. bapt 1 Nov 1723 Chambly;
      Marie Therese, born & bapt 2 Feb 1725 Chambly (mother called Marie Therese LEBEAU); marr 23 Jan 1736 St Joseph de Chambly Jean Baptiste LARIVIERE; bur 21 July 1753 St Joseph de Chambly.
      Anonymous, born, bapt at home by "bonne femme" Bessette; died & bur 6 March 1726 Chambly.
      Charles-Antoine, born & bapt 2 June 1727 Chambly; marr Ist 31 Aug 1751 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier FRANCOISE BESSET; marr 2nd on 3 Nov 1756 Chambly Suzanne VALLIERE;
      Veronique. born & bapt 4 July 1729 Chambly;
      Some of the above children likely died in Chambly at a young age. Only 27 burials were listed in Chambly from 1701 to 1730.

      Josiah/Joseph STEBBENS stayed in Canada. He was a witness at the wedding of his niece, Marie DeNoyon, in 1731. On 15 November 1734 a contract of marriage between Joseph and Marguerite Sansoucy was deposited at the archives of Notary Loiseau. The contract was a private one drawn up in the absence of the notary. Joseph married 15 Nov 1734 at Chambly Marguerite JAMES dit LANGLAIS & dlt SANSOUCY. She was the daughter of William/Guillaume JAMES & of Catherine LIMOUSIN. Her father was from England and had been taken prisoner in Newfoundland in January 1697. Josiah/Joseph died the 23rd of April 1753 and was buried at St Mathias de Rouville. His widow remarried 23 Jan 1761 at Chambly PQ Jean-Baptiste MENARD.

      The children of Joseph STEBBENS and Marguerite SANSOUCY were:

      Joseph, born 20 Nov 1735 Chambly, married 17 Nov 176O Conception de la Pointe Olivier, Marie Barbe VALLIERE; marr (as Jacques) 2nd on 7 Jan 1767 Chambly Marie Amable BOMBARDIER;
      Marguerite, born 20 Feb 1737 St Joseph de Chambly; marr 3 May 1756 Conception de la Pointe Olivier, Pierre FUMAS dit LAJEUNESSE;
      Francois born & bapt 15 Mar 1741 La Conception de le Pointe Olivier; bur 8 Aug 1741 La Conception da la Pointe Olivier.
      Marle Suzanne, born 31 May 1744 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier; marr 28 Jan 1761 Chambly Claude BENOIT; died 1776.
      Jean-Baptiste, born 22 Mar 1739 Chambly; marr 5 (15?) Feb 1762 Chambly Marie-Joseph MACE; marr 2nd 21 Sept 1767 Chambly Marie-Claire FONTAINE;
      Pierre, born 26 July 1746 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier; marr 26 Oct 1772 Chambly Susanne BEAUREGARD-DAVIGNON;
      Louis Amable, born & bapt 28 Feb 1749 La Conception de la Pointe Olivier; marr 20 Sept 1773 Chambly Marie Desanges MAILLOT;
      Francois. born 12 July 1751 St Joseph de Chambly;
      Marie Anne. born 25 May 1753 (posthumous), died 1753.


      After Ebenezer Stebbens arrived in Canada he lived at the home of Jacques de Noyon in Boucherville. Ebenezer STEBBENS was baptized as Ebenezer Jacques Charles, age 28, at Ste Femille de Boucherville 29 June 1708 just one month after his sister Marguerite was baptized. In May 1714 he received his naturalization as citizen of New France. The godparents were Jacques Charles de SABREVOIS and Jeanne CREVIER, wife of Pierre BOUCHER. Since SABREVOIS was commandant of Detroit from 1714 to 1717, Ebenezer STEBBINS may have gone west with him and settled there. Fournier (1992) says that Ebenezer returned to New England. The History of Deerfield says that Ebenezer was in Canada in 1723.


      Line 1

      1. STEBBINS, Abigail/Marguerite (sometimes called Gabrielle), born 4 Jan 1683/4 Deerfield MA; bapt prob after 17 Oct 1688 Deerfield MA; capt 1704 Deerfield MA; marr 14 Feb 1703/4 (NS) Deerfield MA Jacques DENOYON (who was bur 12 May 1745); Catholic baptism 28 May 1708 Montreal PQ; naturalized May 1710; bur 15 Nov 1740 Boucherville PQ.

      1. STEBBINS, Thankful/Louise-Therese, born 5 Sept 1691 Deerfield MA; bapt in New Eng; capt 1704 Deerfield MA; naturalized citizen of Canada May 1710; bapt 23 April 1707 St Joseph de Chambly; living with Abigail 1708: marr cont 4 Feb 1711 Notary Tailhandier; marr 4 Feb 1711 Ste Famille de Boucherville Adrien LEGRAIN dit LAVALLEE; bur 11 July 1729 Chambly.

      1. STEBBINS, Josiah/Joseph, born 12 Apr 1699 Deerfield MA; capt 1704 Deerfield MA: marr 15 Nov 1734 Chambly PQ Marguerite JAMES dit SANSOUCY; private marr contract deposited 18 Nov 1734 at Notary Loiseau; bur 23 Apr 1753 St-Mathias de Rouville PQ/La Conception de la Pointe Olivier.

      1. STEBBINS, John, born about 1685-7 Deerfield MA; capt 1704 Deerfield MA; returned to Deerfield; farmer on lot #35 - that of his father; marr about 1714 Mary -----, she died 30 Aug 1733; marr 2nd on 25 Aug 1735 Hannah ALLEN, she living 1772; received 75 acres and 93 acres land 1743; died 7 Sept 1760 Deerfield MA.

      1. STEBBINS, Samuel, born 25 Dec 1688 Deerfield MA; capt 7704 Deerfield MA; alive in Canada 1723 according to father's will; came to Deerfield with Abigail 1726; in list of returned 1731 but not in New England records later.

      1. STEBBINS, Ebenezer/Jacques-Charles, born 5 Dec 1694 Deerfield MA; capt 1704; bapt 29 June 1708 Boucherville, naturalized citizen of New France May 1710; adopted by Jacques-Charles de SABREYOIS, alive in Canada 1723.

      2. STEBBENS, John. carpenter and soldier; born 28 Jan 1647/8 Springfield MA: sole unwounded survivor of Bloody Creek massacre 18 Sept 1675; took oath of allegiance Northampton MA 8 Feb 1678; marr 4 Jan 1680 Boston MA Dorothy ALEXANDER (Line 2); had lot #35 Deerfield MA: taken prisoner with family 11 March 1704 Deerfield MA; will 31 July 1723 Deerfield MA; died 19 Dec 1724 Deerfield MA. Had 6 children.

      4. STEBBENS, John of Northampton MA; farmer; born about 1626 (prob Bocking in Co Essex) ENG; marr 14 May 1646 Springfield MA Ann MUNSON (Line 3): taxed for 27 1/2 acres land 1646 Springfield MA; 2 acre land grant Springfield MA 21 Feb 1649: Roxbury MA 1651; 3 acre land grant Springfield MA 25 Dec 1651; 10 acre land grant Springfield MA 30 Jan 1655; settled in Northampton MA 1656; marr 2nd 17 Dec 1657 Northampton MA Abigail BARTLETT, she died 10 Oct 1710 at So Hadley Falls MA; he died 7 March 1678/9 Northampton MA, death prob by accident at his sawmill. 5 + 10 children.

      8. STEBBINS, RawlIng/Rowland, bapt 5 Nov 1592 St Mary's. Bocking (Co Essex) ENG; marr 30 Nov 1618 St Mary's Bocking (Co Essex) Eng Sarah WHITING (Line 4); sailed in the "Francis" from Ipswich Eng 30 Apr 1634 with wife & 4 ch; arr Boston MA 12 Nov 1634; lived Roxbury MA 1634; rem to Agawam (Springfield) MA 1639: granted lot # 5, 10 rods wide 24 Dec 1640; pioneer of Northampton MA 1656; Springfield MA 1663; Northampton MA after Feb 1664/5: will 1 Mer 1669/70; died 14 Dec 1671 Northampton MA: bur Northampton MA.

      16. STEBBINS, Thomas, (Monty (1971) says Francis) born about 1665: of Bocking (Co Essex) Eng; died 16 Oct 1660 Bocking (Co Essex) Eng.

      32. STEBBINS, William, born 1540;

      64. (A William Stebinge was buried 28 May 1561 at St Mary in Bocking, Co Essex, ENG.)


      Line 2

      3. ALEXANDER, Dorothy. born about 1680; of Newton MA; marr 4 Jan 1680 Boston MA JOHN STEBBINS (Line 1); capt 1704 Deerfield MA; redeemed; living 1733 Newton MA.

      6. ALEXANDER, John, born in Scotland; settled in Newton MA: marr by 1653 Beatrice -----; Northampton MA 1668; died I696 Newton MA.

      7. -----, Beatrice/Beatrlx, born about 1640: alive in 1690. died after 1720 Newton MA

      12.ALEXANDER, John, born about 1590 in Scotland; came from Scotland before 1640; marr 1642 Hartford CT; settled at Windsor CT;


      Line 3

      5. MUNSON, Ann, born about 1623; marr 1st 16 May 1644 Springfield MA Abraham MUNDEN; marr 2nd 14 May 1646 Springfield MA JOHN STEBBENS (Line 1); died after 23 June 1655 & before 17 Nov 1657 prob Springfield MA.

      ?10. MUNSON, Thomas, likely the one bapt 13 Sept 1612 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) ENG;; carpenter; marr Ist Eng ?Susan -- -(age 25 in 1634 and came on "Elizabeth"); Hartford CT 1637; served in Pequot War 1637; New Haven CT 1640; freeman 11 June 1640: marr poss 2nd by 1643 Joanna MEW?, died 13 Dec 1678, age 68; bur near her husband in New Haven CT;; 1st Sgt In military 1653; King Philip's War 1675-76; Captain 1676; of Hartford CT; died 7 May 1685 New Haven CT, age 73; bur on The Green on Linden Ave, New Haven CT.

      ? 20. MUNSON, John, bapt 14 Oct 1571 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) Eng; marr by Nov 1595 in Eng ELIZABETH ----.; "a gracious old man" bur 26 Nov 1650 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) Eng.

      ? 21. -----, Elizabeth, bur 3 Jan 1634/5 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) Eng. ?40. MUNSON/MONSON, Richard, marr 15 Oct 1570 Rattleden (Co Suffolk) Eng Margery BARNES (line 6); churchwarden's asst 1581: bur 3 Dec 1590 Rattlesden (CO Suffolk) Eng.


      Line 4

      9. WHITING, Sarah, born 1590/1 St Mary, Bocking (Co Essex) ENG; marr 30 Nov 1618 St Mary's in Bocking (Co Essex) Eng RAWLINE STEEBBENS; died 4 Oct 1649 Springfield MA; bur 4 Oct 1649 Springfield MA.

      18. JOHN WHlTlNG, born about 1565 Lincolnshire Eng; marr. about 1590 in Eng SARAH SMTH (Llne 5); died 1647.


      Line 5

      19. SARAH SMITH, born about 1569 Bocking (Co Essex) Eng; marr about 1590 in Eng JOHN WHITING (Iine 4);

      38. JOHN SMITH, born about 1539/45 Chelsworth (Co Essex) Eng; died about 1642.


      Line 6

      ?41. BARNES, Margery, marr 15 Oct 1570 Rattleden (Co Suffolk) Eng RICHARD MUNSON (Line 3); bur 7 Feb 1622/3 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) Eng.

      ?82. BARNES, George, of Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) ENG; marr Ist Margery -----; (prob he or a son) marr 2nd 11 Jan 1564/5 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) ENG Agnes HABAR; parish surveyor 1575; collector of alms for the poor 1576; bur 25 May 1582 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk, ENG.

      ?83. -----, Margery, bur 7 July 1564 Rattlesden (Co Suffolk) ENG.


      Baker, C. Alice True Stories of New England Captives 1897
      Bulletin de Recherches Historique #14, pp 183-185
      Idem, #36, pp 366-369
      Idem, #48, pp 121-125
      Charbonneau, Hubert and Jacques Legare, "Notre Dame de Montreal" "St Joseph de Chambly" in Repertoire des actes de bapteme mariage sepulture et des recensements du Quebec ancien 1980-
      Coddington, John Insley, "The Stebbing Family of Co. Essex, England, and Rowland, Martin, Edward and Editha Stebbing or Stebbins of New England" In The American Genealogist #124, Oct 1955, Vol 31 (4).
      Coleman, Emma, New England Captives Carried to Canada 1925.
      Dictionnaire Biographique do Canada Vol 111, pp 493-494 & 524-535
      Godbout, Archange, Nos Ancetres du XVlle siecle Quebec PQ
      Greenlee, Ralph Stebbins & Robert Lemuel Greenlee, The Stebbins Genealogy 1904.
      Jetté, René, Dictionnaire genealogique de familles du Quebec 1983.
      Ledoux, ----- "Border Warfare and the Stebbens Family of New England and Canada" & "Descending Genealogy of the Stebbins Family in Quebec" in Fleur de Lys Vol 1 (1) pp 31-44
      Monty, Ernest L., "Jacques de Noyon and Abigail Stebbins" in French Canadian & Acadian Genealogical Review Vol 111 (1) Spring 1971 (An excellent detailed account of the Deerfield attack and subsequent life of the family)
      Morisseau, Henri OMI, "L'Ancetre Stebbins" in Memoires de la Societe Genealogique Canadienne Francaise Vol 111 (3): 206 (fide Bocking Parish Register., 32-35; Boyd's Marr Index Rec of Essex Co., 6-120; Hartford Times 6 Nov 1948, Geneal page #9148)
      Munson, Myron A., 7*he Munson Record 1637-1887 Vol 1 1845
      Rocheleau, Corinne, "Notes sur les Stebbins, aussi appeles Stebebenn, Stebenne, Steban etc." in Bulletin Des Recherches Historiques Vol 36 (1930) pgs 366-369. [This article is a compendium of materials from other sources. It contains serious errors about the earlier Stebbens generations.)
      Rubincam, Milton, "The Munson Family of County Suffolk, England and New Haven, Conn." in The American Genealogist #67. Jan 1841, Vol XVII (3) pgs 129-134.
      Smith, Elaine Bessette, "French and Indian War Captives" in Je Me Souviens Spring 1992, Vol 15 #1
      Tanguay, Cyprien, Dlctionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadienne Francaises 1897.
      Sheldon, George, A History of Deerfield Massachusetts 1896.
      Stebbins, Daniel, "Memoir of the Stebbins Family" in New England Historical Genealogical Register Vol V (July 1951)
      Sulte. Benjamin, "Jacques de Noyon" in Bulletin Des Recherches Historiques Vol 14 (1908) pgs 183-185.
      Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 1992 Printing.
      See: PRDH Drouin Deniau ou Deneau (Charles & Madeleine Clément) lpha.html

      Jacques DeNoyon (Jean & Marie Chauvin)

      engagé Ouest 12-05-1690 au 28-07-1704; sergent de la compagnie de Tonty; explorateur et coureur de bois
      m 14-02-1704 Deerfield, Massachusetts
      Abigail-Marguerite Stebbens (John & Dorothy Alexander)
      n 26 b 28-12-1704 Boucherville
      n 10 b 11-03-1706 Boucherville
      n 11 b 12-04-1707 Boucherville
      d s 11-08-1708 Boucherville
      n 12 b 13-10-1708 Boucherville
      n b 07-07-1710 Boucherville
      n 02 b 03-10-1711 Montréal
      n b 04-08-1713 Boucherville
      d s 10-08-1714 Boucherville
      n b 14-06-1716 Boucherville
      n b 21-04-1718 Boucherville
      b 11-09-1720 Boucherville
      n b 21-06-1724 Boucherville
      n 17-02 Deerfield, Massachusetts b 05-11-1726 Boucherville

      Jacques de Noyon (1668-1745), voyager and coureur de bois, traveled Quebec to Rainy Lake this season where he wintered with the Assiniboine People.
      Jacques de Noyon (1668-1745) of Trois Rivers, Quebec is reported wintering on the Ouchichiq River (Rainy Lake, Wisconsin). He journeyed up the Kaministiouia (meansering River) River to Lac Le Pluie (Rainy Lake) along the Great Dog Portage and returned via the Pigeon River. He is believed to be the first person recorded to use the Fort William portage at the mouth of the Kaministiquia (Kaministikwa) River (Ontario). He met the Cree and Assiniboine People. He reported that Lake of the Woods (Ontario) is called Lac des Assiniboils and Rainy Lake is called Lac des Chistinaux (Ontario). It is noteworthy that Lake Winnipeg (Manitoba), was known at this time. He met with the Assiniboine Indian who advised him of Lake Winnipeg and the river (Mackenzie) that flows into the Western Sea (Arctic Ocean). They tried to encourage him to travel with them into that region. His discoveries were not followed up for almost twenty years.

      Jacques de Noyon having wintered Rainy Lake is in the Lake of the Woods this year.

  • Sources 
    1. [S45] Coache- Bourgeois- Laurin- Caza, Florent Coache.

    2. [S46] Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec, Rene Jette, (Les Presses de L'Universite de Montreal, 1983), Page 335.

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